Reclaim the time you spend sizing and styling your clients and let the computer do the work for you! When I became a stylist I found that the sizing process was complex. Different styles were better for different bodies, sizing recommendations changed based on body type, band size, cup size, comfort levels and more! I recognized that while these were problems that could be overwhelming to human brains they would be a breeze for a computerized algorithm. With over 15 years of programming experience, I just so happened to know someone who knew their way around computerized algorithms 😉
I’ve spent time looking through different sizing guidelines and figuring out just which factors were most important in sizing people. I researched how to determine measurements from clothing sizes. Then I took all that data and put it to work in creating an algorithm that will determine the best sizes and styles for your clients with the least effort on your part and theirs. Plus those recommendations will be automatically linked to YOUR Ruby Ribbon site and right to the collections they are interested in! RRSize.Me will make your sales process easier and more accurate – freeing up your time to find and care for customers rather than pouring through sizing charts and recommendations.
For just $10/month your clients will be automatically sized and sent directly to your sales site! There’s nothing for you to host, calculate or analyze yourself. We’ll take care of the sizing, so you can get back to introducing people to the bra free lifestyle 🙂